Today we went to a pumpkin patch to get a couple of pumpkins. When Carter found his pumpkin he gave it a kiss. Carter and I picked out a pumpkin for Avery but unfortunately I put it on top of the truck to load stuff and forgot about it. The pumpki

n died. The park was full of pumpkins and leaves. Carter had so much fun kicking the leaves around and Avery was enjoying eating her leaf. Plus I was having fun with my new camera and I took like 80 something pictures. My hubby got me a new Canon EOS XTi Digital SLR camera. I LOVE IT!!! I can take multiple pictures at once. It was a $600 camera that we got for $250 because the newer model came out this week. Anyway after picking pumpkins, all of our family came back to our house to decorate the pumpkins and sugar cookies. Everyone had a good time and frosting found its way all over the place. The kids had fun with each other and we ended with some pretty awesome looking pumpkins. I am getting so excited for Halloween. I am making Carters costume and I have most of it done but I need to sew a few things. I will post some pics once its done.