The other night Nick and I were sitting in the living room watching TV. We had just put both kids to bed, however, we could still hear Carter in his room talking and moving around. The show that we were watching started playing the song "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga. Its a pretty catchy tune. A minute later Carter yells out.....
Carter: Daddy!
Nick pauses the TV.
Nick: What Carter?
Carter: I like this song.
Nick: Me too bud now go to sleep.
Nick pushes play and we continue watching the show. Another few seconds go by and we hear...
Carter: Daddy!
Nick: What Carter?
Carter: I'm dancin in my bed!
We laughed for the next 20 minutes or so off and on. Ahh.....the things kids say! Classic!
Ronald D Christensen - A Dear Uncle
13 years ago