I recently got called into Young Womens as the girls camp director. I am super excited about the calling but a little overwhelmed at the same time. I had no idea how much responsibility was involved. I am literally in charge of EVERYTHING! We have to plan where to go, what theme to use, what games and activities to play, where to go on the "hike", which special speaker to invite for testimony night, how much and what food to bring, make sure the girls get all of their certifications passed off, crafts to make, write up an itinerary, make up a packing list, create driving assignments, plan secret sisters, organize fundraisers to earn money and submit a budget. Sheesh...I get tired just typing all of the stuff. But the good news is that I have an awesome assistant and the Young Womens president was the camp director for the last 2 years so I think Im going to have plenty of help. Im excited to get started. I've heard that once you pick a theme, everything else just falls into place. I hope thats true! I will have to post my camp adventures as we are preparing, during and after camp. It will definitely be a worthwhile experience and Im truly blessed to be serving in this calling. I cant wait to get to know all of the young women. So if anyone has any ideas they'd like to share with me or past experiences of girls camp, Id really appreciate it!
On a totally different note, we found out last week that my sister Misty is expecting a baby boy in June. We are so excited for her because this will be her first baby. I cant wait to see her be a Mommy and experience all of those "firsts" with her little guy. Also, my other sister Amanda just informed us that she too is expecting in July. She will find out what she is having in a couple of weeks. She says that she and her hubby have convinced themselves its a girl and I told her that when I told Carter about her having a baby that he immediately said it was a girl. Now thats not to say we will be disappointed if its a boy. I think boys are fun and less work! Either way we will be happy to have another sweet baby in our family. This baby will make 6 grandkids in our family. Nick and I have been ready for another baby but for us its not as easy as just deciding that we want another one. We have to pray to know where our next child will come from. We really wanna try and conceive this time but that in itself is a whole other matter. :)
As of the first of the year, Nick went on a high protein, very low carb, doctor monitored diet. in 6 weeks he has lost 40 lbs! I am so proud of him. He has not cheated once and he looks amazing. I wish I had the dedication he does. But when he puts his mind to something, he follows through with it the whole way! I am so blessed to be his wife. He on the other hand probably wonders why he ended up with a problem wife such as myself. I always have something wrong. Maybe I do need psych meds....(a sarcastic comment from my husband). :) For the last 2 weeks Ive been having some health problems, mainly with my heart. Ive had a lot of palpatations, fatigue, diarrhea, and hot flashes. Ive had to have an EKG, and a lot of blood tests. The conclusion for the moment is that I have really low potassium which causes all of those things. Apparently I was really close to being in the hospital attached to an IV bag full of potassium. For now I am taking potassium pills to try and control it but thus far it is not helping all that much. I go back in a week or so to be retested. The up side is that Ive lost 13 lbs and Im not sure if its because Ive been really watching my diet too or all of the diarrhea Ive been having! So we will see what happens. Until then, life is day by day as usual! :)
Ronald D Christensen - A Dear Uncle
13 years ago
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