For the last week Carter has had a terrible case of diarrhea. Its been so bad that he cant make it to the bathroom in time. We've had to wash a lot of underwear. He's even thrown up a few times. Finally after the fourth accident on Thursday morning, Nick consulted one of the doctors at his office and we decided to put him on a liquid diet for 24 hours and then take a stool sample to the lab to be tested. Apparently, a bacteria called Giardia has been going around so we needed to test him for it. If its positive, he needs to be on antibiotics. Well lets just say that the 24 hour liquid diet did not go over so smooth with him. He kept begging me for cereal, toast, raisins, peanut butter, cheese sticks and anything I would agree to. I had to explain to him numerous times that there was a "bug" in his belly that was stealing all of the food he eats and then pushing it out his bumb and that's why his belly had been hurting so bad.
Well today we took the sample up to the hospital lab to be tested. Nick took the sample inside while the kids and myself waited in the truck. After Nick got out of the truck Carter asked me where Nick was going. Here is our conversation..... (hehe!)
Carter: Mommy, where is Daddy going?
Me: He's taking your poop to be tested to see what kind of bug is in your belly....remember?
Carter: (sigh) Its probably a grasshopper. I hate those grasshoppers!
Me: (uncontrollable laughter) :)
I just had to write it down because it was so cute. He literally thought he had a bug in his belly and he really does hate grasshoppers!
Ronald D Christensen - A Dear Uncle
13 years ago
Ah! That is so dang cute!! Thanks for sharing. Those darn grasshoppers, causin so much trouble!
Ha!! so funny! so, was it giardia?
Oh I'm LAUGHING my head off!
That is hilarious!
so funny~ that kid is amazing
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