In my last post I wrote about the heart problems I was having. The potassium supplements didnt seem to help at all so last week I finally went to see my physician about it. And of course, in Dani fashion, once I got to the office I was not having one palpatation that they could listen to. FRUSTRATING!!!! The doctor did however still believe me and sent me to the hospital to have a cardiac monitor placed. This little device records my heart 24/7 and when Im having an "episode" (if thats what they are) then I push a button to capture the last 90 minutes and the next 60 minutes. For the last 3 days Ive had no palpatations (typical) until last night....I got dizzy and out of breath. So I finally got to push my little button. :) I still have to wear the monitor for a few more days so hopefully I will get to push it again so they can really see what Ive been experiencing. The plus side is that maybe Im getting better because the palpatations havent been as bad. One can only hope though! The down side is that the monitor looks like a big pager that I have to wear on my belt loop. So it looks like Im trying to look cool wearing a pager and failing miserably. Its slightly embarrasing. :)
The other good news is that we are signing Carter up for soccer. We are so excited and so is he. He loves to kick the ball around and I cant wait to see him and a bunch of other 3 yr olds chase the ball down. Its gonna be so cute! We will post pics once games start.
Last but not parents finally found a house they love and bought it. Theyve been looking for a year and a half. The best part is that it is really close to us. Supposedly they are closing in a few days but those of us that have ever closed on a house knows that there are always little hang ups. I am so happy for them and cant wait to help them get moved in. I will post pics of the new house when they actually get moved in too.
Ronald D Christensen - A Dear Uncle
13 years ago
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