This morning my husband said to me, "I'm so excited to go camping this weekend." For some reason this hit me wrong. Maybe I was in a bad mood but my response was, "Yeah Im sure you are because Im the one that has to do laundry and go to the grocery store and prepare the food and pack EVERYTHING for our little camping/beach trip." This was not what he wanted to hear from me and he let me know it by thanking me for such a negative comment when he was just getting excited for our fun filled weekend with the kids. Am I too negative when it comes to this? What about bitter? Dont get me wrong, I love camping and our annual beach trip every year but the preparation is a nightmare. I mean I have to pack enough diapers and wipes and clothes and all of the things for 'what if I need this'. And then I get made fun of because of the lists that I have to help me get everything packed and ready. My husband just cant believe that I am going to take all of the stuff on my list. I usually follow with a comment like, "Well pack your own stuff and we'll see if you remember your deodorant, pills, and swim suit." I guess I just hate the fact that as the wife and mother it is my responsibility to make sure we have everything for a vacation. But if my husband did it......I wouldnt trust him to remember anything. Does that make me psychotic? How do other wives feel about this? Are you in the same boat? I should be packing at this very moment but my husband took the kids to the park so I could pack and Im loving the peace and quiet to blog and relax. I better get started. We leave in the morning and I havent done anything yet!!!
I've had many many many of the exact same type of moments. You're not alone. My worst is when we are getting ready to leave for something like church. Hubby leisurely gets himself ready while I scramble around getting all 4 kids ready, then I quickly throw myself together, start loading kids in the car to find him just waiting in the drivers seat like its no big deal that I'm running like a chicken with its head cut off while he SITS! ha ha ha, but I have learned that in those moments it helps me to make a list in my head of all the things he DOES do. Mows the lawn, keeps the cars maintained, works his rear off supporting us, etc. then that one indiscretion seems much more insignificant. Also, cut yourself some slack, it is HARD being the mom! Its OK and normal to feel so stressed now and then! It just makes the good moments that much more enjoyable. I don't know if any of that made sense, but I just had to let you know you're not alone in how your feeling!
Dani, I LOVE your blog, you are hilarious! I knew that to begin w/but your blog is so enjoyable, and I'm so glad you're doing it! I can't believe you DROVE w/two kids and your parents to Seattle!! I couldn't do it, you're a champ. Have fun on your trip if you can forget that you had to do EVERYTHING, I totally know how you feel about each of those things, it's great being a wife and mother!!
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