Okay family and friends.....I apologize for the delay in updates in our blog. Life has been crazy to say the least. I think what I will do since there is so much to catch up on is to shortly write what's been going on since Halloween and then post random pics. My sister, Amanda, and her family came home for Thanksgiving and we all had so much fun. Carter and Sam get along so well. There is no fighting or crying and I wish they got to see each other more often. We had a great holiday. We invited my entire family and Nick's family for a

combined dinner. Most everyone showed up and we ate til we were stuffed and then ate some more. The boys played basketball, the kids ran around and of course us women cleaned up the dinner. But that's the way it goes right? Actually, I prefer it that way cuz then we get to have girl talk. Unfortunately, Amanda and her sweet family had to go back to Spokane. That meant Christmas was just around the corner and I needed to start planning and shopping. For some reason I actually left all of that until a few weeks before Christmas because I had so many other things going on. Carter had his first dental

appointment. He actually had his teeth cleaned when he was 18 mo old but that was kind of impromtu. This appointment was actually scheduled. He looked so cute sitting in the waiting room waiting for his turn. He did so good!!!! We were able to take x-rays, clean, polish and apply fluoride. He got a new SpongeBob Squarepants toothbrush and for his prize......chapstick!! It was a pretty good experience. I thought he might cry or freak out but he didnt and he did great. Right after that, he had his wellness visit and I am proud to say he is healthy. He weighs 30 lbs, and is 37 in tall. he is in the 96% for his heighth. He is tall!!!! Avery also had her wellness visit. She is 16 lbs 9 oz and is in the 25% for her weight. She is so little but it seems like she is growing every day. She is getting around so well. She isnt crawling in the normal sense but she does this weird army like crawl and thats how she travels. She finally cut her first 2 teeth.....thank heavens. She looks so cute with teeth.
Carter had his 2nd birthday last week. I cant believe my little boy is finally two!!! He had a pretty good day and of course he made out awesome with the toys at his party. He wanted basketballs, Cars toys, and Walle stuff. He got it all!!! Plus he had fun playing with the balloons. Cayben and Ellie also joined in. Actually, Ellie is more of a watch from a distance kind of participant. She liked to play with Avery for the most part. She loves babies. Ellie is Carter's future wife. She and him have already made out, slept in the same bed and Ellie likes her new mother in law....Me! Anyway, the birthday was a great success. Then there was Christmas. We had a really good Christmas. Carter of course made out and received so many toys that now we have to figure out how to store them all. Avery got lots of clothes which she desperatley needed. We had such a crazy Christmas that for the last 2 days we have done nothing but stay in ourPJ's all day and be lazy. Its been awesome. Well.....I hope I've covered everything. If not then I will post again soon. I'm pretty sure thats all of it. I will try to be better hopefully after the new year.